Battle of Fort Madison Plain
Twenty-Fifth Anniversary
The farmhouse was modest, nicely restored and well-kept, and it was nice to have some time alone with my thoughts. In the many years since the S.A. army was defeated, I’d had the chance to travel to much of the nation, but not once had I visited this part of Iowa. The weather was not unlike that January day. With misplaced concentration, it would not be hard to find myself back on the battlefield. I was pleased to see the old Federal-style house restored.
My security men knocked on the front door, which I then answered, not quite dressed for the commemoration. I still had an hour until I was expected outside. I was not unwilling, at seventy-one years, to go outdoors in twenty-degree weather despite the risk.
“Sir? Mr. McKenna is here for his interview,” Tim Crawford said.
“Thanks, Tim. Please show him in. I’ll meet him in the living room. Ought to make myself more presentable.”
“Sir.” Tim replied as I headed back into the guestroom to get my tie and dress jacket. A few minutes later, I joined the Sun-Register reporter. He stood as I entered the room.
“Please, sit,” I said. “No need for the formalities, Mr. McKenna.”
“Thank you, sir, for your time. This is a rare opportunity.”
“What’s your first name, son?” I said. I had the right to call him that, I thought. He looked like he was maybe two years out of Iowa State.
“Jefferson, sir.”
“Good name. May I call you Jeff?”
“Absolutely, sir,” he said, relaxing five or six levels.
“Good. Call me Rick.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Good. Now, fire away.”
“Yes, sir….I have a number of questions obviously, but I’d really like to hear what your thoughts are on the single, biggest change in the Federal government, pre-War and post.”
“Good way to dive right in,” I said with a chuckle. “I’m not sure that I can come up with a single biggest change, because there were so many, and the accrued Reconstruction efforts caused a fundamental reset of the Constitution, through several channels. In short, we are closer to living within the Constitution of a hundred and seventy-five years ago. There are some changes though, that I think will help the durability and resiliency of the Republic far more than anyone gives credit.”
“What would those be, sir?”
“The elected leadership being term-limited under the Twenty Eighth Amendment, which also eliminates the potential for any influence of any elected Federal official by any enterprise, public or private, under penalty of law,” I said, sounding more like my professor-lecturer self than I might want. “Of course, it also eliminates the ability of ‘congressional staffers’ to be employed for more than eight years total. Those unelected staffers wielded far too much power and were accountable to no one, way back when.”
“Before you were born, Jeff, Hell, before I was born, Representatives and Senators, and probably Presidents as well, were bought and paid for. Republicans on one side of the aisle, Democrats on the other, not like today, where they are seated by state, regardless, and formal party affiliation is all but illegal. Industries, agencies, non-governmental organizations, individuals…if they had the money, they could find a way to buy what they wanted, either through direct influence or party affiliation. Under the table at first, with winks and sly grins and with what they used to call ‘pork barrel’ projects, where one elected would pass a law that benefited another elected, in exchange for the similar favor. Judges legislating from the bench, using their power to subvert the Constitution, the legislature, and the will of the people. By the time the War started, it was in the open, The corruption was complete, and the greed unabated….along with the grab for power. The staffers wrote the legislation, most of the time without having the Congressmen read it. Multi-national corporations operated outside the bounds of both morality and law. They corrupted foreign governments, positioned our own to defend their business interests at the cost of the lives of our men and women and civilians. Once the lines were so completely blurred, once ethics were completely and openly ignored, the socialisti could easily game the political system. These days, you try to influence a Federal official, or most State officials, and you’re doing hard labor for ten years minimum. Downside of that, is that some Senators and Representatives feel they all but walk on water, but their paycheck is meager, by design. That Senator from New York, can’t remember his name, proposed that Congress be outfitted with Robes of State or some such nonsense. ‘Designed to be appropriate to the high office and dignity required,’ I recall his motion. At the time I made an offhanded remark that the last thing we needed were more priests of the law. The Congress is set apart. It is set, not above, but to serve the citizenry. We also have strict Constitutionalists serving on the Supreme Court….must not underestimate that.”
“We studied the origins of the Reconstruction Amendments pretty thoroughly of course, but it’s different hearing the personal experience,” he said, directing his comments toward the small media recorder on the coffee table.
“I wasn’t always an elected official. Matter of fact, I tried pretty hard not to be. Back before the War I was in private enterprise, making money, enjoying life. Like everyone else, I was increasingly pissed off about what they were doing to our civil rights, and frustrated that what The People really wanted was not only ignored, but ridiculed by the people we elected! The life you live today simply cannot be compared fairly, unless you really know how bad it was before the end.”
“I suppose not, sir.”
“There are plenty of resources of course, us fossils and everything you find on Verimedia. But as usual, I digress.”
“Government growth,” Jeff said, referring to another amendment.
“The stripping away of the ability of the Federal leadership to grow as a malignancy, consuming everything around it. It can’t do that, by Constitutional amendment, because the Federal Government, excluding the armed forces of course, can no longer grow beyond the average of the most populous states’ selected employee count. The Federal employees, to put it simply, cannot, by Amendment, ever outnumber the selected public employees of the largest state, let alone all states combined. Do you know how much of a difference that really is, numerically or by percentage?”
“I’m…afraid not sir.”
“Pre-War, there were two and a half MILLION Federal employees and a massive dependency infrastructure that kept almost twenty percent of Americans dependent on the Federal Government. Hundreds of thousands of departments, many administrations, bureaus, and Cabinet level directorship of areas never intended or dreamed of under Federal control by the Founding Fathers. Now, there are less than a hundred and fifty-thousand employees. Total. The more they could grow, the more they did grow. The Federal Government created dependency systems that ignored Constitutional limitations. Research the concept of Federal Social Security—you’ll see what I mean. The States are in much more control of the Nation than they ever were twenty-eight or fifty and probably a hundred years ago. States Rights under the Tenth Amendment were fully restored and ensured, I believe, with the passage of the Twenty-Ninth Amendment. Arguably one of the largest and most dramatic changes ever put in place in the history of the United States.”
“Your idea, it’s been rumored.”
“Nope. But I was in the room,” I said flatly. “Seriously. I’m not the author of that thought. Senator Garcia’s through and through. Wish it’d been my idea.”
“The Frontier Years,” Jeff asked.
“The Rebuild, some called it. Others called it the Giant Cluster,” I said with a little smile, omitting some colorful language from the label.
“I’d heard that from my Dad,” he said. “He was a laborer out West.”
“Rough work. Wildly underappreciated,” I said. “I’m not sure who coined the term, first of all. Wasn’t any of us. The tasks we were initially faced with were just so staggering in scale, it was hard to understand it all. Part of it was the mental adjustment of a much smaller population. We lost so many—more than a hundred million Americans alone. What was left, that which wasn’t destroyed in the War, well, we had more ‘built’ for a lifestyle that no longer worked. It couldn’t be maintained. It started with that. Understanding how many people we had, what kind of country we wanted to live in, and move on from there. There were parts of the Midwest that were without utilities for years, thanks to the S.A. and their EMP’s and their outright destruction. Entire counties were abandoned, and not really repopulated at rates anywhere near what they were pre-War. Twenty years of reconstruction in New Seattle alone, and we’re not close to being back to what it was. Roads gone to pot, bridges washed out or collapsed….stuff wasn’t built to last in the first place, it was built to have a short lifespan and get built again…roads in particular, but major public buildings and homes as well. The time and effort to restore what was there before the War just didn’t make sense.”
“The controversy about property ownership still goes on,” Jeff stated.
“It does. It will for eternity, nothing we can do about that. Almost impossible to track down the rightful heirs on property all over the nation that was abandoned, of course, with many of the old records destroyed. That which was abandoned, was reclaimed by the respective states and in most cases homesteaded. No one expected the outright indignation from the agro-chemical industry at the reversion of all those mono-culture super-farms back to the states, and the threats and lawsuits and such. The land was sitting. No fuel and not enough equipment to farm. Damned few farmers. The nation needed food. The fact that Iowa decided to be the first to break up the Ag monopolies was the floodgate that allowed reasonable-sized, highly diverse farming to be reintroduced to the United States. An unpopular Supreme Court decision from the viewpoint of corporate America. Again, an underappreciated event in the course of modern history.”
“I’d like to come back to the corporations in a moment, but first, sizeable amounts of land were never put back into productive use. Do you see in the future, another Settler expansion into those areas?” he asked, referring to the land-lottery that took place seven years after the War ended.
“Sure, if it makes sense. There is a fair amount of land in this country though, that had no business coming under the plow. Once upon a time, during the early days of the Frontier work, I was accused of being an ‘environmentalist’, which I found a little insulting. That my primary goal was to keep Man off of the land and that it would revert to Nature. I couldn’t be farther from it actually. I’m a conservationist first….the appropriate use of the land and water for productive use, and the preservation of that which, by adverse use, would cause the land to be damaged, destroyed, or cause the destruction of other lands. My definition, not one you’ll find in a dictionary.”
“Some say, sir, that the farming and resettlement policies are overly restrictive.”
“Subjective view, either way. Like I said, plowing up all the land on either side of a river, leaving no buffer to protect water quality, then spraying fertilizers and herbicides and pesticides on the genetically modified crops is no way to do anything except create runoff filled with mud, chemicals and nutrients that don’t belong in rivers. I like to fish in water that’s not full of some stuff that’s going to kill me. It’s not too much to ask to have people use common sense when it comes to working the land,” I said. “GM crops were a disaster to the ecology of the planet. Unfortunately there’s no going back now that they’re out there. The terminator stuff in particular, spreading to other varieties, cross breeding, and then self-eliminating,” I said. “We lost wheat as an entire species. All that is left are the genetically modified remains. The grain is different now. That shouldn’t be forgotten.”
“When it comes to resettlement policies, they are much more restrictive than pre-War settlement patterns. Main reason is that no one ought to be building in a floodplain, or in some other naturally-inclined hazard area that will endanger the structure, its owners, or the land, or other people. The fact that ‘no one ought to’ translated, in the old days, into, ‘We got flooded out. Pay me to build a new building in the same spot.’ That stuff doesn’t make sense—so it’s not allowed to happen, most of the time. Some States allow it, most don’t. No one provides insurance against stupid decisions, though. Same reason that out here, where tornadoes happen, that new buildings are engineered to handle them, more or less. The money’s already being spent, once. Build to last and build smart.”
“OK. You mentioned Corporate America. Can you shed a little light on your view of the new corporate limitations?”
“Well, not new anymore. If it’s an American corporation, it’s based here. It produces here, it is taxed here, it ships from here, and the money it makes its’ shareholders stays here. It hires Americans and documented aliens here. If they’re an international corporation and they want to do business here, they form an American corporation and follow the rules of an American corporation. If an American corporation wants to work off shore, they do it as a subsidiary corporation, working under the laws of the respective nation, but by American law the subsidiary can never be larger than the parent corporation. And it never pays more than ten percent corporate tax, ever. The Byzantine tax codes of old allowed…no, encouraged, the domestic corporation to have most of its’ production off-shore, didn’t pay taxes on it, much if not most of the time, essentially, practices like that destroyed American heavy industry and crushed innovation and drove intellectual capital away. The re-writing of the rules for corporate behavior included all of that and much more of course. I think the preceding are the most important points, because they’ve caused the flood of industrial innovation and business that we’ve seen over the past eight years. For the creation of this system, we were called fascists. I advised a certain young Senator to revisit the definition and get back to me, after I told him to shove it,” I said. “That Senator was also advised to review what happened to the vast majority of Pre-War Congressmen, because he was heading down the same road they did. Most of them were strung up or shot. The Liberty Tree at the Capitol Reflecting Pool is a real place. Tyrants swung from it. I was there.”
“The creation of National Sales Taxation.”
“You have no idea how good you have it these days, Jeff. You buy a new item, you pay NST on it. You buy a used item, you don’t. You trade for something, you don’t pay taxes on the trade. You don’t pay tax on what you make. You don’t pay property taxes in the same manner that we once did. You don’t pay taxes on earned investments, because you’ll pay taxes when you buy something with the earned investments. You don’t pay the Federal government, the state you live in does, based on purchases. You don’t pay taxes when you buy gold or silver, because those are a form of currency. The Tax Reformation Act was as much about simplifying the tax structure for the taxpayer as it was about limiting the amount of money that the Federal Government can lay hands on,” I said with particular emphasis.
“We, ahem, unemployed a lot of accountants and tax attorneys. We created a fifteen percent national sales tax, and are using no more than ten in the operations of the Federal Government, and a hunk of that goes towards reserves. Property taxes of course are set by the local jurisdictions and the States. The excess taxation collected by the Federal Government, up until a couple of years ago, was a strictly guarded secret of course, but that cat’s out of the bag.”
“Debt payback,” McKenna said.
“Absolutely. It will take time to pay back those nations that invested in the United States, that which the former government repudiated. There is relative peace in a lot of the world today, and trade is prosperous in the U.S., because we are making good on debts incurred, despite all of the troubles over the decades. With the money we pay back, they rebuild, they invest, in their own nations and sometimes in ours. Without the confidence of other nations in the ability and the dedication of a nation to honor its’ obligations, there can be no basis for international trade, or alliances, or even basic relationships. There is trust now, where there was none.”
“Pax Americana,” the young journalist asked, finally getting to the meat of things.
“A wonderful notion. The fact that the United States of America has grown up and avoids foreign entanglements is at least as important as the Dis’sembler.” I noted his shock has he started back in his chair, mouth dropping open a little.
“I’m surprised, sir, that you brought that up.”
“Worst kept secret since Jimmy Carter told the evening TV viewers and our enemies all about the Stealth Fighter. Why not talk about it? The fear of the thing is at least as effective as the impact of its employment. Besides that, it’s allowed the United States military to be sized appropriately, namely for the protection of Americans abroad, commercial trade, and our continental interests. Pax Americana means something radically different now, than it meant when I was your age. It didn’t work under the old meaning. It seems to, now. We don’t pick fights, no one picks fights with us. We don’t go pulling someone’s privates out of the fire or try to ‘build nations’ anymore.”
“Would you mind me asking about the DisAssembler? I have…”
“I opened the door. Your notes and this recording will be cleared of course prior to any distribution, per the Witness Agreement.”
“Absolutely, sir.”
The Witness Agreement, adopted not long after the defeat of the S.A., required anyone serving in the journalism racket to report honestly, equally, and fairly, as verified by the electronic Verimedia Witness and a disinterested observer, through the electronic images and audio being collected. There was no such thing as a biased reporter any longer, which released the journalist to the creative efforts of telling the truth in a compelling manner. In my case the Witness Agreement would also have a Federal review, in case some confidential information, perhaps better-kept than the M-DisAssembler, came out.
“It’s been eleven years since Station Liberty was established, and twelve since near-space was cleared. For years it’s been rumored that the Dis’sembler made that possible,” Jeff stated, “but no one talks about the Dis’sembler in any detail.”
“Come February, the Freedom of Information Act will likely confirm that for everyone. Twelve years, since Liberty went up. FOIA covers all that, including the MDA.”
“But use against earthbound targets, instead of its intended mission….” He said, afraid to continue.
“My idea. Yeah.”
“Sir, I have to ask this. Do you not have a difficult time reconciling the use of such a device…” he asked, before I cut him off.
“Weapon, son. Call it what it is.”
“OK, sir. The use of such a weapon against targets on Earth?”
“Nope. Hard-hearted bastard that I am, no. The Molecular Dis-Assembler was created to effectively and safely clear near-Earth space of orbiting nuclear weapons parked there before the War. The impact of that Soviet weapons cluster splattered all over the Urals was ample demonstration that the device’s deployment couldn’t wait, and that was three years after the International Space Station de-orbited, dead crew and all, scattering their remains and the station itself over five thousand miles of burn-in. Further, it was impossible for the United States, or any other nation, to ensure the successful orbit of any satellite due to the space debris and remaining orbiting weapons. The Dis’sembler eliminated the debris over a six- month period. Without it, safe space travel would have been impossible for generations. Maybe forever. No Space Station Liberty. No bases on the Moon. No manned missions to Mars.”
“OK, I understand, but, you haven’t fully answered my question, sir.”
“No I have not,” I said as I stood, and looked out the window. “Jeff, you’re twenty-something years old. Not far from here, I had three thousand men and change under my command, and we defeated a far superior force with a weapon that was much more cruel and crude in implementation. On my order, twenty-four tanks burned to death eighty six thousand four hundred and twelve State of America soldiers and conscripts within minutes. Burned them alive. In some cases it appeared, burned them in half, searing their wounds, keeping them alive a few minutes longer until another pass made sure they were dead. They never saw the weapon that killed them. They didn’t know where to run, because they were enclosed in a pattern that had no escape. Their ammunition and fuel exploded in the heat, the truck tires exploded around them. Their plastic rifle stocks, and then the metal barrels and receivers melted into their flesh. After that, we were called the Sunburn Brigade, not Third Washington Engineers. I cannot imagine the minutes of Hell those men were subjected to. Do you have any idea of the smell of such an event? Of the cost of the event in terms of human destruction?”
“No sir.”
“No, you don’t, Jeff, and I hope you never have to see something like that,” I said with a shaking voice. I’d noted that as I aged, I could not hold back the emotions of events such as this. It broke me up, perhaps proving to me, that I was still human on occasion. “Although, I hope to God the Creator that no one ever forgets what was done here, or in any of the towns destroyed so that an almighty State could exist anywhere on this earth. Millions died so that the powerful could stay powerful,” I said, taking a drink of coffee before continuing. “And yes, I’d do it all over again if need be. We killed the S.A. that day, but it took two and a half more years for the killing to stop.” I noticed out the window, another car coming in the distance.
“The DisAssembler has been used to eliminate targets that posed a direct, immediate, credible threat to the United States of America, and her territories. That might mean an individual. It might mean a pirate ship. Might mean an inbound aircraft carrying something or someone bent on our destruction that the military cannot address as quickly and effectively through conventional means. Could we have helped England against Argentina? Sure, we could have. We could have stopped the Chinese from taking all of Central Africa. Could we take the Caliphate out of Europe? Sure, and right-quick. Are we going to? No. Bailed Europe out twice, got screwed for it in the end, and got the bill to boot. We’ll never see those cathedrals of Europe rebuilt. Notre Dame, a pile of rock. Hundreds of others, blown up by the Caliphate. Pretty good chance you’ll not hear any more detail than that. You will not hear it from me. I will say though, that had I had such a weapon available here, I’d have used it, for the sake of those we killed as well as those of us who buried the dead. I would have much preferred to see the barren earth with the fine coating of the molecules of vaporized men and their weapons, than horror of hundreds of acres of seared flesh and mounds of unexploded ordnance.”
“Let’s change the subject, if you don’t mind.”
“No, I welcome it, Mr. McKenna.”
“How’s your health been?”
“Pretty good for an old fart,” I said, relieved for the subject change. “Seriously, not too bad. Heart meds, arthritis, knee rebuild. Hearing gone to Hell. All the joys of being over seventy.”
“You’ve been hospitalized a number of times this past year,” he pressed further.
“Yep. Pneumonia, double pneumonia, and walking pneumonia. Did you hear I had pneumonia?” I said with a smile. “All three bouts are the result of the Guangdong flu and lung scarring from back then. Doc said it’ll kill me if I’m not careful. My wife ensures that I am more careful than a male of my age might want to be. I don’t feel my age most days.”
“Your retirement.”
“Enjoying it immensely,” I said. “Karen and I have been doing our best to spoil the grandchildren as our primary occupation. Some time in New Seattle, but mostly in the home area, few weeks at the lake each year. Occasional trip to San Francisco to see our niece and nephew and their families. Lecture a little now and then at the University, where I think they tolerate me. Give a sermon once or twice a year at the home church, where they also tolerate me.”
“From what I hear sir, there is standing room only.”
“That’s overly generous, I’m sure. Bad nights for sports or media. I think my secretary makes sure of that before she schedules anything. And I make it a point to give a sermon at Christmas or Easter, when they pack ‘em in anyway, if I am indulged, of course.”
“Ever think of going back into public service, sir?”
“I’m in public service every day, Jeff. I just don’t get paid for it.”
“You and your predecessors have refused to serve but a single term.”
“Absolutely. Get out while you can and get on with life before government sucks it out of you. If you ever get elected, you’ll understand what I mean,” I said as I heard the door open. Jeff, being a very-well mannered young man, stood immediately.
“Ma’am, I’m Jeff McKenna. I’m a reporter with the Chicago Sun-Register. Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Drummond,” he said. Karen was looking her beaming self, silver-blond hair tucked under her fur hat.
“Thank you, Jeff. You as well. My husband spinning yarns and talking farming?”
“No, Ma’am. I’m afraid I’ve been steering him in other directions.”
“The unseemly and disreputable, then. Politics, if I’m not mistaken, right?” she said, taking my hand.
“’Not to be spoken of in polite company,’ I believe my grandfather once said,” Jeff replied.
“Wise man. You should take his advice,” I said.
“Hon, you ready?” Karen asked. “The kids will be here any minute.”
“I thought they’d have had enough of my speechifying.”
“Nonsense. This is important.”
“It is, just trying to maintain a sense of balance. This place can be overwhelming,” I said. I could feel it, they were almost tangible, the memories.
“Jeff, care to join us?” Karen asked.
“I’d be honored, ma’am.”
“Nonsense. Can’t have you walking all the way over to the memorial. It’s a mile off and it’s snowing,” she said.
I grabbed my overcoat and hat, necessary but not liked, and we made our way out to the hybrid Lincoln. A few silent minutes later, we were on the dais, Karen holding little Charlie on her lap, bundled up against the cold. I was joined by a dozen of my men from Third Washington, and hundreds more in the audience.
Introductions followed, and brief remarks by Christine Schimanski, the senior Iowa Senator, and Chief Justice James Carlton. Jim served with Mike’s ‘A’ Company Rangers. Chris Schimanski’s mother-in-law had been Clara DeJong. Clara had passed on not long after Chris and Clara’s son Jakob were married. I had the privilege of reading Scripture at her funeral. Like many I’d known, we lost her too soon.
I was next…I heard, but didn’t listen to my own introduction. As always, I spoke without notes.
“Good morning, and thank you for inviting me to the dedication of this memorial. It is not without powerful emotions that I stand before you here today, even surrounded by family, friends, and those that put up with me as their commander,” I said, looking over my shoulder to a few smiles.
“It has been my honor to serve the citizens of the United States of America in one fashion or another, for more than twenty-five years, of those, four years and six days in uniform. Twenty-five years ago this morning, three thousand men under my command defeated a much larger force on this field of battle, now remembered properly as hallowed ground. On my order, eighty six thousand four hundred and twelve Americans died here. Those men, and others like them were responsible for the deaths of more than two hundred thousand fellow Americans across the Midwest, and untold damage on those they left alive.”
“Third Washington, Recon Twelve of the Fifth Marine Expeditionary Task Force, a handful of SEALS and regular Army soldiers participated in this action. I would like to speak of this, in terms that may not have been explored over time.”
“On that early morning, we stood wildly outnumbered in every respect. The decisions made by the State of America commanding general saved Third Washington at the cost of his own life and the lives of his entire command. They could have easily swarmed up that hill,” I said, pointing behind me, “and killed us all. They could have moved south, and destroyed the five pieces of artillery were still operational. Five. They could have moved north, beyond the Memorial Grove there, and wiped out everyone else. They didn’t because they were not fighting for a nation, they were fighting for men. Others would dispute me here, but there are few precious few men that are worth fighting for,” I said, pausing for effect. “The decision of the State of America commander changed both the course of the war and the face of the United States of America, forever.”
“There are ideals embodied in a nation such as ours that are worth fighting for, even at my advanced state of decay,” I said, getting a few quiet laughs. “Those of us with six or seven decades behind us and less than one or two ahead, should fully realize the sense it makes to have the older generation fight, and not the younger. These young,” I said, waving to my children and grandchildren, “are the future of this nation. I pray to God that the examples we have given them will provide ample education on how over time we can destroy a nation, and that the leaders of the several States are wise enough to not throw our future before cannons.”
“The losses of these men—husbands, fathers, sons, brothers, uncles—touches every single citizen of the United States. Virtually everyone knows people that served in the S.A. army or was killed by them. The bitterness of this civil war will burn for decades. There was no North versus South in this war. There was though, in the most honest sense of the words, good versus evil. For a few precious decades we may enjoy this respite from evil, although it reigns in many other nations around the globe. It will return to this continent, I have little doubt. For a few precious years, we are at peace. For these years, we will treasure our time with our children, working and playing and learning and teaching them to not repeat our mistakes.”
“What we lost here though, should not be forgotten to history, we must mourn it as we mourn the losses in our own families. We lost the creative energy and the momentum of a generation. We lost doctors, lawyers, teachers, writers, scientists, researchers, builders, painters, playwrights, and the products of their lives. We owe it to these men, however we view the guidance of their leadership, to remember what they could have given this nation, and what we have lost as a nation as a result of their deaths.”
“For a few minutes, before we traveled here to this dedication, I had the honor of spending some time with a young reporter. He asked me a number of good questions, and I answered without much in the way of forethought, but I answered honestly. There is one thing though that occurs to me, that should be an addenda to the answers I gave. Jefferson McKenna down there,” I said, pointing to the second row and embarrassing him somewhat, “asked me about the single biggest change in the Federal government pre-and post-Second Civil War. Jeff I suspect will have my answers sketched out in the evening Register. What he didn’t ask, but what I would like to add as an answer, are the biggest changes to America pre-and post-war,” I said, a gust of fresh January air catching me a bit by surprise.
“This is a nation of laws. It is a nation that again can be viewed with virtues. Its people have a right to be proud. We once again are the goal for millions around the world, the shining beacon of freedom…not just this land, but the very idea that is our nation. Our children study our history, our Constitution, the causes of our collapse, the progress of reconstruction. We have people who can think, which I’d like to add as an aside, Clara DeJong, Senator Schimanski’s late mother in law, would be most proud—she taught critical thinking to homeschoolers long before it was stylish to think for ones’ self,” I said, getting a few more laughs.
“We have returned to a sound monetary system, and are paying those that invested in our former form, regardless of whether they view us an enemy or a friend….the United States is indebted to those nations, we will fulfill our obligations. We again have our own industry, we are self-reliant, we have morality-based self-determination. We are Citizens of the Several States first and we are citizens of a larger nation. While my heart breaks for what we have lost here on this battlefield and on dozens more, my spirit soars at the prospects for the future of this country.”
Applause, building slowly, and the crowd began to rise, and to continue their applause, before I held up my hand to hush them.
“I stand here today, broken from what happened here under my command. I pray to God that no other American commander, anywhere, ever has to face the decisions we did that night. Thank you, and good day,” I said, backing away from the lectern, turning toward the huge flag, rising from half mast to full display, as those on the dais stood as well, also turning toward the flag. I came to attention and salute as bagpipes played Amazing Grace, followed by twin trumpets playing Taps, the horns in soft echo.
The applause rose again as the notes faded, Karen, then Kelly and her husband to my left, Carl and his wife to the right, grandkids all around.
“Let’s go home,” I said giving Karen a squeeze and a kiss. “We’ve a long way to go.”
Great ending to a truly inspiring piece of authorship!
ReplyDeleteWell done sir, well done.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great stories. I've followed them all as they grew, and really enjoyed them. Just got back from watching the fireworks and enjoyed finding the last chapters here. You keep us thinking about how much we have to appreciate and how much we have to work at maintaining our lives. Would love to have all three books on my shelf. Great job, and thanks again.
ReplyDeleteLove your work. Are you planning any more???
ReplyDeleteA fine story and a powerful message. Excellent writing, riveting story, morally powerful.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fine ending to be able to complete the read on INDEPENDENCE DAY!
Thank you
Wow. What a fitting ending for what has been a great journey! Thanks for allowing others such as myself to follow along.
ReplyDeleteGreat work Tom!
I have absoultly loved all three of your books ... Thank you for all your hard work and talent !!
ReplyDeleteA riveting and inspiring series. Thank you for your efforts in putting this in print!
ReplyDeleteA most excellent saga, sir! Thanks for the hours of enjoyment on my part, and the multitude of hours of painstaking research and creative writing on yours. A job well done!
ReplyDeleteI finally finished it.
ReplyDeleteAWESOME ending, very powerful.
WELL DONE again.!!!!!!!!
Great story, looks like a similar thing is months away from Europe. I had better start preparing for the inevitable economic collapse of the world.
ReplyDeleteJust finished Remnant, had read the others over the last year or so. Cannot tell you what this means to me. It should be required reading in our high schools. And you know how that's going to happen. Thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteThomas Sherry,if there is a way could you send the pdf's to the three books again?my computer had crashed and lost all three. you are a dear if you can resend.Your books are the best I have seen in such a long time. wolfwhisper137@yahoo.com